Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Beginner's Walk

Last Wednesday, I received a call from Anthony Overs, my bird banding instructor. He said he would be leading the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) "Beginner's Morning Walk" at the Canberra Bitanic Gardens on Saturday, and since the group would be larger than normal, he asked for my assistance in leading the group.
I was delighted, and this morning we gathered in the Carpark with fourteen other birders, some who had been on a few outings, some completely new.
The walk was an enjoyable 2.5 hour walk through the gardens, with some great advice on starting out in birding provided to those gathered by Anthony.

Some of the birds seen included, in no particular order:

New Holland Honeyeater
Eastern Spinebill
White Eared Honeyeater
White Naped Honeyeater (heard only)
Red Wattlebird
Striated Thornbill
Brown Thornbill
Spotted Pardalote
Striated Pardalote
White Throated Treecreeper
King Parrot
Crimson Rosella
Eastern Rosella
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Golden Whistler
Eastern Yellow Robin
Scarlet Robin
Satin Bowerbird
White Browed Scrubwren

I was hoping for Bassian Thrush, Rose Robin, and the female Pink Robin that's been hanging around the ANBG recently. Sadly none of these made themselves present, but nevertheless a great mornings birding was had.

Highlight of the day, was a Brown Gerygone seen near the rainforest gully. This species, according to Anthony, is a very interesting find for Canberra. We got a fairly good view, and heard him singing, so the ID is definite.

After the walk, I hung around the gardens for several hours, but sadly was still unable to locate any of my three targets. The only new birds for the day I added were White Winged Chough and Wood Duck.


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